03 October 2008

BOA competition Part 2

(Note: This entry was originally published on AOL Journals)

Today was very interesting.

I worked. Went in at 4:30AM, drew a split, and drove until 9. Then came home and napped with the kittens for a few hours while Sweet Pea took Boy over to Lens Crafters at the Mall to pick-up his new glasses (he broke his playing football yesterday). then I went back to work at 2PM and drove until 7:30. A long, long day ... seems to be the norm here lately... LOL!

It was a longish drive.

We, the Pit Crew, are around 45-minutes ahead of the busses carry the Marching Firebirds. We had thought that we were going straight to the competition, but we actually made a stop on the outskirts of town. We found out from the Crew Leader, Steve (who is in the van following the truck), that the Music Director had arranged for us to stop at a local high school for the band to make a quick practice run before going on to the competition.

I don't remember all of the exact times but I believe we arrived at Perry High School around 10:30AM. The Firebirds were not due at the competition until 4PM.

So they had time to practice. I have some pictures of this practice (taken with my camera). I will post them later.

I'd like todedicate this entry to Perry HS, which I found to be a very interestingplace.

Perry High School, Massillon, Ohio (near Cleveland).

Home of the Fighting Panthers.

Entry to the Stadium.

This monument was located in front of the school in a very well-kept park-like area. It speaks volumes about the people in this area.

The Fighting Panther and a Very Good Friend.

At the base of this statue was this plaque ...

Fallen Alumni and real American Heros ... God Bless Them ...

It was areal honor to be at this school and we thank them for allowing us to use their facilities to practice.

I'll post some more later.


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